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The Power Of Choice In Online Casino Games

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Vikings Hire New Defensive Coordinator to Replace Tomlin

On Thursday February 8th the Vikings hired former Bengals defensive coordinator Leslie Frazier to be the architect of their new scheme on the defensive side of the ball. Frazier was hired to replace Mike Tomlin who left the Vikings to become the new head coach of the Pittsburgh Steelers. Frazier has been a coach in the NFL since 1999 when he was a part of Andy Reid’s staff with the Philadelphia Eagles as a secondary coach. Frazier left the Eagles in 2003 to work along side Cincinnati Bengals head coach Marvin Lewis. Mr. Frazier was fired after two seasons due to low overall league rankings and a philosophical struggle with Lewis during his tenure. One of the high points however of Frazier’s term Frazier was the fact that the Bengals were third in the league in takeaways for the 2003-2004 season, a stat that has declined extensively for the Bengals since Frazier’s firing.

Leslie would rebound however in 2005 when he was offered and accepted a job on the Colts staff back in familiar territory as the Colts secondary coach. Frazier would improve the Colts pass defense from a less then stellar showing of 19th in 2005 to a very impressive 2nd in the entire NFL. This marked improvement was a major key in the Colts success in their recent Super Bowl winning season. Frazier himself played in the NFL for eight seasons, playing all of them for the Chicago Bears as a cornerback. Frazier in fact was a part of the 1986 Bears Super Bowl championship team. Frazier’s playing career would come to an early end to a knee injury that he suffered during that very Super Bowl. The experience that Frazier brings to the table simply isn’t just limited to the professional game. The college game is another field in which Frazier is use to as well, having been a head coach at Division II Trinity College in Illinois for nine seasons. Frazier would then move on to the University of Illinois as their defensive backs coach for three seasons before landing the job with Reid and the Eagles.

Frazier takes over a defense from Mike Tomlin that was top in the league this past season in run defense, but finished dead last in pass defense which brings logic to the hire of Frazier given his background. With Brad Childress, the Vikings head coach also having been on Andy Reid’s staff with Leslie Frazier in Philadelphia it seems to be a great fit for Frazier to come to the Vikings. Expect Frazier to run a similar system defensively as his predecessor being that they are both disciples of the “Tampa 2” defense having both worked for former Buccaneers and current Colts head coach Tony Dungy. Leslie was born in 1959 in Columbus, Missouri and attended college at Alcorn State from 1977-1980 before being selected by the Chicago Bears in the 1981 NFL Draft.

In conclusion, football is nothing more than a game of wits that requires a tremendous amount of energy and agility in order to come up in this game where you have to willingly put everything on the line without a second thought. Be it Fraser or Tomlin, none have had it easy and have reached this position through sheer hard work. For budding footballers, the football index sign up offer is a good place to register for learning it in detail.

Analysis: Issues Leading to Possible Hooters Casino Bankruptcy in Las Vegas

As a business advisor, and a frequent traveler to Las Vegas, many of my regular readers find that I often write articles that combine these two passions of mine. In the case of the possible Hooters Casino bankruptcy, there are some that are almost expecting me to explain what steps have brought 155 East Tropicana, LLC (the owners) to the point that they would tell the Las Vegas Sun that a Hooters Casino bankruptcy is possible in Las Vegas. Beside all the factors listed below there are several other situations that caused this scenario and if you are interested in details about all those factors check out
Narrow Market

One of the first issues that I have always had as a business advisor, and as a regular Las Vegas traveler, is the fact that Hooters Casino gave itself a very narrow market to begin with. While males between the age of 21-45 is a large market, they make up only a portion of the number of prospective players that other casinos in Las Vegas are able to market to.

Further the narrow market of the Hooters Casino in Las Vegas by adding in the fact that most wives and girlfriends that I have ever met would not be very interested in staying at a Las Vegas hotel that is geared solely to the type of guy that would travel to a Hooters in the first place. The narrow market is one of the first aspects that has led Hooters Casino in Las Vegas down the road to bankruptcy.


There are many that will argue that the size of the Hooters Casino puts it at a major disadvantage in Las Vegas. Those who would argue this would be right. When you mix the fact that Hooters Casino is one of the smallest casinos in Las Vegas, and the fact that the casino has such a narrow market makes it a prime candidate for bankruptcy.

Declining Market

Many of my regular readers have read my article about companies that are doomed to fail because of starting with flawed business models (you can read it here). You will notice in the article that one of the major points can deal with a Hooters Casino bankruptcy. Companies that start out during the decline of a market are usually doomed from the start.

When the Hooters Casino opened in Las Vegas in early 2006, many of us that pay close attention to Las Vegas were already seeing a decline in themed hotels and casinos around the city. Las Vegas war beginning to trend more towards luxurious European-style hotels that cared more about opulence than theme.

In the previous year to the opening of the Hooters Casino in Las Vegas, Wynn had opened at made the statement to the world that Las Vegas was going to be floating away from themed hotels. Wynn made that statement that opulence was the new way of life on the Las Vegas Strip, and others had to step up, or step out of the way. For more information about themed hotels going away in Las Vegas, read this.

Customer Service

In my mind, the final issue that is bringing us to talking about a Hooters Casino bankruptcy is customer service. There are many websites, travel guides, and online reviews of the Hooters Casino that point to the fact that the casino does not live up to expectations when it comes to customer service. A common theme among many of these reviews is that the Hooters Casino offers the same level of service that one would find at a Hooters restaurant.

While an outside observer might that that this would be fine, this is well below the standard that many expect for customer service in Las Vegas. Most Las Vegas travelers expect workers at the hotels and casinos to bend over backwards at a moment’s notice. Not so with many of the reviews of customer service at Hooters Casino. During a time in which customer service is being pressed more than ever, Hooters Casino would need to step up to avoid bankruptcy.

I would like to point out that I have not mentioned the economy as having any part in a possible Hooters Casino bankruptcy, and there is a reason for that. While the soft economy might have progressed the inevitable with the Hooters Casino, and it might have been the straw the broke the camels back, I would assure you that the Hooters Casio would still have been walking down this path some time in the near future.

Finally, I would like to point out that a Hooters Casino bankruptcy would not necessarily mean the end of the road for the casino. If you were to take the time to go through the bankruptcy filings in Las Vegas, you are sure to find many casinos that filed that are still around today. Even if the casino does go away, there is sure to be a line of buyers that are willing to put up the money so that some kind of casino goes back on the same site

4 Things to Do in Aruba

See, in Aruba they don’t care how old you are. They don’t care what color you are, or where your ancestors came from. In Aruba, they care about one color: Green. I was walking through the Casablanca Casino located at the Westin hotel (up town tourist area) when I ran into a 16-year-old kid. To be completely honest, I didn’t exactly know how old he was; only that he looked 16. When this young man dropped $200 US dollars on a roulette table, I could only guess why he wasn’t being bothered; the kid had money. This leads us to our #1 thing to do while visiting Aruba:

1) Visit the Casinos

If you are a big fan of situs judi bola online or any other casino online games and websites, one of the best things that you’ll do in Aruba is to visit the casinos. Watch out though, because gambling is addictive, and everyone here (besides us poor upper-middle class) has money to lose. Me? I’m at the casino to make money, which might be one of the worst ideas ever conceived. The first night on the island I lost $120 in 3 minutes and 27 seconds-I looked at my watch before I started, and then when I had no more money to gamble. One learns quickly at the casino however not to spread their money too thin, as I made $325 dollars the next day. The ONLY thing you have to learn is when to quit. If you can do that, you will make money. If only it were that easy….

2) Go to the clubs, Señor Frogs and La Bahia

Wednesday nights Señor Frogs might be one of the best times to visit this club in the Oranjestad (downtown) section of Aruba. Wednesday nights Senior Frogs is ladies night, when girls get in for free, and are privileged with a 2-1 drinks special. The ratio for girls to guys might as well have been 2-1. The music at Frogs is mostly current, and the club itself is nice and spacey. You won’t feel claustrophobic in this club and you will find more Aruban locals here. La Bahia on the other hand is a little different. The music-a mix of mostly local Spanish club with spouts of current hip-hop-can be heard from the main street. The inside of the club boasts both an outdoors bar and an indoor dance hall. The dance hall fires off lasers and fog all night, while the bass from subwoofers pounds a hole in your chest. Oranjestad during the day is a touristy area, but at night, expect to interact with the locals.

3) Beaches, Beaches, Beeches

There are plenty of beaches on Aruba. Not surprising for an island of this type. The water is a beautiful shade of green-blue, the people are nice and tan, and there is enough shade just where you need it to be; just pick a spot under a spacious leaf umbrella. But not only can you just relax with your family on these beaches, but also you are able to do a multitude of water sports, including: Jet Ski, Tubing, Banana Boating, snorkeling, underwater diving-you name it, they have it! For the single guys, take a walk on the beaches and enjoy the wonders of “European women”, who are used to “European-style beaches”. (If you don’t know what that means, use a lifeline and phone a friend.) For the ladies, the guys are plentiful. Native Arubans are everywhere, and they are unsurprisingly very friendly. Don’t be too shy. As for party beaches, Eagle is nice and quaint, but Moomba Beach is where to get our party on, during and after-hours.

4) Restaurants

Short and sweet, there are two restaurants that absolutely MUST be visited when in Aruba. Those two are the Screaming Eagle and Driftwood. Screaming Eagle is so good at what it does, that it has no signs in front of the restaurant; it doesn’t have to advertise its name to get business. The whole place is surrounded by hidden red lights, which adds to the mystery of this place. What do they serve? Just about everything imaginable, with tons of fish selections, also including duck, veal, and steak. Every dish not only looked but also tasted delightful. Someone dining at the Screaming Eagle will only leave screaming for more.

Driftwood restaurant is a fairly small restaurant located in downtown Aruba, and is a stark contrast to the more upscale Screaming Eagle restaurant. While it doesn’t look as upscale, everything flows with the cabin-on-a-ship theme. While the theme might be tacky, the food is excellent. Surf and turf, grouper, filet… all cooked perfectly. The restaurant is a must-try for all first time visitors.

How to Play Poker with the Boys:

Poker has long been considered a man’s game. Not until recently has it been considered acceptable for a woman to sit down to a gritty game of poker with the guys. Although it’s starting to become more and more prevalent in casinos, the internet and home poker games around the globe, it can still be a bit intimidating for women to sit down at a table full of men and jump right in on all the action.

As a seasoned home game poker player, internet player, and casino player, there is one main characteristic that I have learned over the years that will turn any woman into a confident force to be reckoned with at any table she sits down at. As you visit, you can learn useful tips and tricks that will surely help you in a game of poker. This is a great way for women to polish their poker skills and make their way in the poker world.

The most important attribute you must have to swim with the poker sharks is inner confidence. However, if you know the game of poker well, you know it’s not always conducive to your poker game to wear this confidence on your sleeve. In fact, in many situations it will bode you well to play the part of your gender stereotype and act timid and uncertain in your play. In this case, I think women have an edge. In my experience I have found that a lot of men that I have sat down with at the poker table underestimate my knowledge of the game simply based on my gender. This works out swimmingly for my play. Instead of taking offense I use their judgments to my advantage by acting the part. They try to bully me around and I end up winning a lot of pots because of it. After they catch on to my game, they realize I’m a serious player and cease the bullying, which gives me the opportunity to then bluff at more pots and win more hands.

Internet play is a little bit trickier. You are not sitting face to face with another human being, but rather an avatar – some not even depicted as humans, but rather gnomes, sharks, frogs and fish – to name a few. In this scenario you can’t really use your gender to your advantage because the true identities of the players at the virtual poker tables are anonymous. Johnny, a 19 year old college drop out can depict himself as a 50 year old housewife, and Charles, a 35 year old New York City stock broker could really be your 75 year old grandma’s best friend, Mildred.

Whatever setting you choose, just remember to keep your cool and your confidence. If you know the game of poker, you can easily hang with the boys – and even have a slight edge!

Women still have a long way to go to catch up with their male counterparts in the poker world. The last woman to make it to a final table at the World Series of Poker was Barbara Enright back in 1995. What many people fail to understand is that, unlike other predominantly male sports such as football and boxing, men and women are on a level playing field. All you need to join in on all the fun is knowledge of the game, a sharp mind and some acting skills. I would love to see the number of women in next year’s World Series of Poker triple that of what they are now. C’mon ladies, get your sunglasses out, your game face on and let’s show those boys what we’re made of!

How to Become a Better Poker Player

The biggest thing when trying to learn not just poker, but anything, is that you completely understand everything. When it comes to poker you need to understand first of all how to play, the different types of hands, and how to read people. If you are just starting out then you have a lot of work and practice ahead of you, but if you are an experienced player that needs just a little bit of change, then improvement is very possible. Anyone can excel at a game of Bandarqq if only he applies a few tactics.

Poker is a game of luck, skill, and control. First of all you are going to need to get lucky with some of the cards that come up. Obviously you have no control over your luck, but by looking at the odds for each situation you can make calculated guesses about whether or not you may get that lucky card. The skill part of the game is obviously all on you as the player, and can only really be upgraded by experience and practice. A skilled player understands the different possibilities of hands within the flop and decides whether or not their hand could possibly be the best. The flop incase you don’t already know are the cards that are face up to everyone. Anyone can play these cards to help themselves make the best five card hand. Control again comes down to the type of player you are. When I say control I mean the ability to not bet at stupid times to save chips, and the ability to not give a tell. A tell is something that leads you opponent on to what you have. For example let’s say every time you pick up a good hand you start to bounce your leg, or every time you don’t get the card you were looking for you sigh. All of these tells can let your opponent in on what your cards are.

A big problem with many average players is that they bet at the wrong times. When they believe they have an unbeatable hand they start to get excited, and don’t pay attention to the other possibilities that you opponent may have. For example anyone is going to be excited if they happen to pull a straight. What separates the good players from the average players is the ability to fold that straight when they believe the opponent may have something better. Let’s say that four of the five cards that are face up are the same suit. Chances are whoever your opponent is they are going to have a flush. An average player would become too excited about their straight that they would fail to realize that there is a flush possibility.

Poker is like anything else that you may take part in. Whether it may be a sport or video games, or just about anything, the only way to get better is through practice. Poker is no exception, and in fact a game where there is unlimited chances to practice with the internet these days. There are countless sites out there that offer poker, where you can even play with fake money. Fake money is a great way to practice, and once you start to become more efficient you could put money on the site, and possibly make some.

Poker is a game of skill, luck, and control. Luck is something you obviously have no control over, but you do have control over your skill and your body language. The biggest thing is that you know the different types of hands, and when they are possible. A great poker player can fold a great hand when there is a strong possibility that their opponent has something better. Practice is really the only way to make you better. You can go out and purchase books, and read away, but the only way to make yourself more efficient at poker is to play.


A Beginner’s Guide To The Game Of Razz

Razz is a version of Seven Card Stud. Each player will potentially receive seven cards. Four will be showing to everyone at the table, and three will be face down. After the initial three cards, betting will take place before every other card is shown. Normally the object in any poker game is to put together the best five card poker hand. That is exactly where Razz is different. The object of the game of Razz is make the worst hand possible using five cards. Aces will count as low cards, and straights and flushes don’t matter at all. Therefore, if you have the Ace, 2, 3, 4, and 5 of spades, you absolutely have the best hand, as the suit does not count against you, and neither does the sequence. As a matter of fact the ace through the five is the best possible hand in Razz, and is called; “The Wheel”.

With the basics out of the way, time to get into some strategy. One of the most important things to remember in any razz game is to get rid of any pairs, especially if you are a beginner. As soon as one of your first five cards pairs, muck them. If one of your first five cards pair, you are essentially gambling the rest of the way, and if you pair or trip up, then there is very little chance that you have the best hand. Another aspect of the game is playing the other people’s cards. While you can see more than half of their cards, you will be able to devise how good of a chance they are beating you. This is probably the most important aspect of razz, merely because you are able to take advantage of the structure of the game. And always keep in mind they know to a certain extent what you are holding as well. For beginners I would recommend only playing good starting cards. By this I mean to be calling with any two wheel components (A-5), and raise with three of them. Aggression will be your friend throughout your experience on the felt, and no more than during a game of razz.

Beginning any new poker game is usually going to be a losing experience regardless of previous knowledge. Every experience at a poker table will be new, some games will come more naturally than others. Razz is a game that is seen as one of the most frustrating games in the poker room. You may start with the three best cards possible, and next thing you know you are looking down at a full house. What makes the experience even better is knowing if you were playing straight seven card stud, you would be taking down a monster pot with your boat! But the best thing to do at a razz table is stay calm, do not get upset, and most of all be patient and pick your spots. Bluffs come during this game much more frequently than you may think, and one of the most fulfilling experiences at a poker table is dragging a pot away from an attempted bluff. You can learn more about the game if Razz and several other online games on Daftar Judi Online. You can master the art of betting with the help of certain tips and tricks that you find there.

Tips To Improve Your Online Poker Play Before You Even Get Any Cards

Playing online poker is fun and fairly addicting to say the least. But there are those of who sit mindlessly in front of the computer screen for hours just for the rush of hitting the next huge pot. This article is for those guys, the guys who know how to play poker but want to really improve on their game. This informative article if the techniques are applied, will give you an exciting edge over even the biggest chip bullies and tightwads to grace the online poker table.

This article will mainly focus on the most popular form of online poker, No-Limit Texas Hold ‘Em. This game is seen and played everywhere. If you have ever watched poker on the T.V, they were most likely playing Texas holdem. I will mainly focus on Internet play as some say it is the most difficult of all, because you cannot actually see the other player’s expressions. Are they bluffing or not?

First starting playing Holdem you will most likely see your chips swallowed up bye the pot fairly quick. This is because you do not have an understanding of the technical side of Holdem. By that I mean predicting the odds that any one hand will produce results.

There have been tons of studies done on Holdem by researchers that have given them a good idea of the odds of winning in several different situations, and the best strategies to play. Understanding these odds are key for any Holdem player to be consistently successful. Furthermore, visiting some official websites like where online poker games are available is one of the best ways to improve your online poker play.

What follows is a well rounded list of tips that you can use to give you the edge even before the cards are dealt. You have to make decisions constantly and quickly. Possessing the following 9 tips you will be able to make better decisions on a more consistent basis, meaning you’ll win more often.

  • The first thing you’ll want to do is select which online casinos you want to be a part of. Personally I choose about 5 I constantly play on and can trust to pay out on time. Also you want to be sure that their application is up to industry standards, especially concerning their randomization algorithm. If you are not sure, go on any online poker forum and ask and I’m sure you will get a ton of answers.
  • Choose a betting limit you’re comfortable with. Stay away from high stakes tables online, as it is only a recipe to lose large amounts really quickly.
  • Select your stakes. It is generally said that you should have 50 to 100 times more than the big blind. The more you have the better, as you will be able to intimidate and “bully” weaker players into folding good hands.
  • Select the right table. When playing Holdem online you want to find the loosest tables. That means the tables where people are throwing around a lot of money. Usually this is a sign of inexperience and you will be able to catch these guys in their own trap. Don’t rush, watch at least three tables for about 5-10 minutes then choose the loosest one.
  • Choose a position on the table. So you’ve found a good loose table, now you want to target the tightest player on that table and sit to their left. Stay away from lucky players. The reason you want to sit by tighter players is because they understand the rules of the game, and will not beat you just by throwing chips around and getting lucky.

  • Take notes. Taking notes on the players at your table can be a very helpful activity when making a big decision like calling a large bet. What happened last time that person placed a large bet, did he hesitate? This time he bets quickly meaning that he probably has the cards to back it up. Picking up little things like this can really improve your decision making.
  • Ignore other players. A lot of the times other players will want to chat, distract you, make fun of you, whatever it be. Ignore them altogether. You are there to play poker and focus not to make friends and chat it up.
  • Play like a veteran. Remember that tight player you targeted earlier in the table choosing process — well be him. Play tight, understand the odds and bet aggressively at the right times. Also beware of other players betting large amounts, often times they will have the cards to take the pot. Only bet if you think you have the nuts.
  • Take a break after one hour. Yes, this can be hard if you are on a winning streak, but in my experience riding out one of these winning streaks often results in a losing day. Play for one hour, go do something else. When you come back you will be way sharper than the other players who’ve been playing for 4 hours straight.

Using these 9 tips can really give you a winning advantage over the competition. Yes, it may seem like a lot of extra work but there is nothing more satisfying than a controlled, chip-raking, poker session. Stay above and beyond your competition and you will most certainly be an excellent online Texas Holdem’ player.

Great Casino Fun in Florida

Great casino fun in Florida is of course only one of the attractions of this tourist friendly state. People come to Florida for the theme parks, the water sports, golf, retirement life and wall to wall entertainment. Included in lots of Florida “to do ” lists may very well be a trip to a Florida based casino. When you are in Florida you are often in a vacation mood and willing to try something new or take a chance on something different. If a trip to a Florida casino is in part of your Florida game plan, you may find great casino fun in Florida at one of these venues. You can check out sbowin to learn more about the Casinos in Florida, you can even master the art of playing in casinos as you play online. This is really good opportunity for those who play these card games really well in Florida.

Palm Beach Princess and the Big Easy, Port of Palm Beach. FL Here’s a great way to indulge your gambling urge and enjoy the scenic seas around Palm Beach Florida. Be the guest, so to speak, of the Palm Beach Casino Line and sail away to adventure and maybe a surprising casino windfall. It’s fun, its exciting, it even gives you the chance to breath in a little sea air.

On the Palm Beach Princess you sign on for a 5 hour cruise along the Florida coast, a great, all you can eat buffet, even some exciting, Vegas style entertainment. Then of course the center piece of the action, you have the chance to play at one of 450 slot machines that have magically also come along for the ride. The Palm Beach Princes sails twice each day from the Port of Palm Beach. Daily rates on the Palm Beach Princess are $20 per person. Monday rates are a bargain at $12 and Sunday it will cost you $30 to sail out. For more information call at 1-800- 841-7447

Also sailing twice daily is the “Big Easy” . Obviously themed to remind you of gambling days in New Orleans, the Big Easy also sails for 5 full hours to let you really feel a sense of escape and relaxation. There are four decks on the Big Easy and lots to see and without ever getting involved with casino gambling. There is New Orleans style jazz, multiple restaurants and lots of viewing space to simply enjoy the cruise. But for those who are bent on a little more excitement and making that big hit, yes, there is a very large casino on board waiting for you.

Seminole Hard Rock Hotel and Casino, Tampa , FLA Want something more stationary and durable than a 5 hour gambling cruise? Maybe you are in the mood for gaming action on Florida’s West Coast at the Seminole Hard Rock Hotel and Casino in Tampa. The gaming here includes slots and video poker with state of the art machines and the choice of betting at a variety of levels. When you have had your fill at the machines, should that happen, you can stroll back to your elegant hotel accommodations, with the kind of amenities fit for, well, you !

At Seminole Hard Rock Hotel and Casino there are a half dozen spots where you can stop on your way to or from the action to have a meal, linger at the bar or enjoy dancing and live music. It’s great entertainment with lots of variety and its all in one location . Looks like you really can have it all at Seminole Hard Rock Hotel and Casino. 1-866-502-PLAY for all the information about reservations, player club, dining and current entertainment. Seminole hard Rock Hotel and Casino do add something more to your Tampa experience.

Miccosukee Resort and Gaming, Miami, Florida. For some people going to Florida means going to Miami. If that ‘s who you are and you want to enjoy some gaming while you are in the fine city of Miami try out Miccosukee Resort and Gaming.You are not like to find the Miccosukee the top tourist attraction or top hotel in Miami . People can find the casino heavy in the smoking department. For people from up north who are used to a thousand or more slots and loads of tables the Miccosukee Resort and Gaming casino would certainly fall short. But perhaps that’s not fully the point .

If you are vacationing in Miami and you want to stay in Miami this might be the best action you are going to find. If you don’t want to drive all over the state then the Miccosukee starts looking better. There are after all nearly 700 games for you to try out. You are also likely to find some games here you haven’t seen a million times before and that can put a nice twist on your casino visit.

There is one other attraction at the Miccosukee Resort and Gaming Casino that may make you feel at home. There is Bingo played here and for some gaming fiends, especially senior citizens, if there is Bingo the rest is just background music.

Value of the Indecision Principle in better Poker Gaming

Let’s imagine for a moment. You’re playing in a tournament, and you’ve just been moved to a new table. On the first hand, you decide to raise pre-flop with a decent, but not great hand. On the flop, you have the top pair, and a decent kicker. You see your opponent, who simply called your raise before the flop bet out a significant number of chips. Looking over the board, you try to reason out what he could have. You have no idea how this guy plays. He could be super-tight, and he may have two pair or even trips. If he’s a little loser, it could be a flush or a straight draw, or he could have a middle pair. It could be a bluff altogether. How do you decide what to do?

Everyone has been in a situation like this before, and I think that learning what to do in these kinds of predicaments is what separates the consistent winners and professionals from the rest of the crowd. And that’s true both on a regular poker table and on the Judi Poker online platform.

My rule of thumb is simple: don’t play when you don’t know. Of course, as you may imagine, there are a lot of times where you can’t say for sure that you will know what’s going on in the game, and there is a lot of guesswork involved in the game of poker overall. You’ll go broke if you only wait for the stone cold nuts hands. Then again, you’ll go broke if you stay in every pot as well.

What you need to do is to train yourself to be less “sticky.” Sticky players are the guys who make a good hand and never let it die, even if they’re probably beat. Most sticky players will know they’re beat when they make that final call, but they keep on doing it time and time again. The problem is that they make the incorrect assumption that if they make their hand, they’ll win the pot. Unfortunately, that’s not always the case.

To avoid being sticky, you only need to do one thing: fold. This is a really easy thing to do, however, is one of the most difficult things for many people to handle. Nobody wants to be bluffed out of a pot, because then you look like an idiot for a few minutes. It also opens the door again the next time you get a pretty good hand that might be a winner. There are also those kinds of people who act like berserker warriors at the table, always charging into the fray, who think that folding is somehow un-manly. They tend to behave as though you can only win the war by winning all the battles.

Folding to a bluff is not a bad thing. Bluffs will work some times, and if it happens to you a few times, you’re not alone. The best players in the world recognize that giving in to a bluff is a fact of life, and that you can run from those skirmishes if it sets you up to win the bigger battles later on.

Eventually, you can hone your poker skill to the point where you know what to do based on the feel of the situation, but if you continue to end up on the short end of the stick, remember to use the rule!

Planning a Las Vegas Trip for a Poker Fan

Planning a Las Vegas trip for a poker fan can be an exhausting process if you do not know what you are doing. Remember, the center of the poker world resides in Las Vegas. Over the last few years, Las Vegas has expanded because of the popularity of poker. If you are a poker fan who is going to Las Vegas, or are traveling with a poker fan to Las Vegas, you might want to plan part, or all, of your trip around experiencing what Las Vegas has to offer a poker fan. You should also check out situs judi onlin bri 24jam to learn more about the game of poker and how you can have while playing poker in Las Vegas. You can easily master the game with a little practice and play online and win a lot of money for yourself.

When you are planning a Las Vegas trip for a poker fan, you have to consider what time of the year that you are going to travel to Las Vegas. Chances are good that a poker fan would love to see some of the action during one of the major poker tournaments. The World Series of Poker is held at the Rio from mid-June until mid-August. In 2009, though, it will be from the end of May until mid-July. There are over forty tournaments during this time that bring out the top professional poker players and tons of celebrities.

Throughout the year, there are other major poker tournaments that are held at different venues in Las Vegas. A simple trip to the website of the World Series of Poker (here), or to the website of the World Poker Tour (here), will give you a listing of different tournaments that are held in the city.

If you are going to watch a professional poker tournament, I suggest the article that I wrote about watching a professional poker tournament. You can read it here. If you are planning on competing in a professional poker tournament in Las Vegas, I have a prep article for you to read here.

Watching, or competing, in professional poker tournaments are not the only events and attractions that you can consider when planning a Las Vegas trip for a poker fan. The stiff entry fees for the tournaments deter most of the avid poker fans. Almost all of the casinos in Las Vegas have poker rooms that hold tournaments everyday. Most casinos have listings of their regular tournaments and entry fees on their websites.

There are a few casinos, though, that I suggest placing on the itinerary for a visit if you are planning a Las Vegas trip for a poker fan. The first two center around the World Series of Poker, and would be the Rio and Binion’s downtown. This is because the Rio is where the World Series of Poker is played, and any poker fan would love to walk around the casino where it all happens. Binion’s is where the World Series of Poker was born. This is where it all began.

The poker room at the Bellagio has been known for years as being one of the world’s hot spots for poker in the world. If you are planning a Las Vegas trip for a poker fan, the Bellagio poker room is a must. This popularity, and the notoriety of the caliber of players that can be found here, prompted me to write an article about what to expect in the Bellagio’s poker room. You can read the article here.

If you are planning a Las Vegas trip for a poker fan, but do not play poker yourself, you might want to learn how. If you do not know how to play a certain type of game of poker, and would like to learn, I suggest running over to Imperial Palace. IP offers free poker classes in their poker room on almost every poker variant. While there are other sites in the city where you can receive free classes, the ones at Imperial Palace appear (in my opinion) to be the best.

The final stop in Las Vegas that I suggest to people that are planning a Las Vegas trip for a poker fan is Fitzgerald’s downtown. Out of all of the poker rooms in the city, Fitzgerald’s is geared towards amateurs the most. You can play for as little as $2 for the big blind at Fitzgerald’s which is the lowest level that you will find in all of Las Vegas. Plus, these low limits bring out a lot of horrible, and horribly drunk, players for you to shark.

The next time that you find yourself planning a Las Vegas trip for a poker fan, keep these ideas in minds. Also, remember that things change quickly in Las Vegas. By the time you read this article, some of these sites may have changed to gone away. Consult the casino websites first to make sure.